Thursday, March 22, 2012

32 bit and 64 bit


For SQL Server 2005, what is the primary differences between the 32 bit and 64 bit versions? What advantages does 64 bit have over 32 bit?


Advantages of 64 bit environment:


IMO, currently it's the extra addressable memory that makes the difference for SQL Server


I'll agree with pkr, if you are comparing a small server (1-2 processors w/2GB of ram), there really is very little in difference. You will gain some minor increase in speed, but you will also have to suffer through all the 64-bit issues (Lack of drivers, buggy drivers, application compatability, etc).

However, it's once you get into the larger servers, specifically ones that need to address more than 2GB of ram that 64-bit really starts to take off. A 64-bit server with 2-4GB of ram is much like a Porche with a VW Bug engine in it. It's great to show off, but it doesn't go any faster than the VW Bug.


Motley wrote:

I'll agree with pkr, if you are comparing a small server (1-2 processors w/2GB of ram), there really is very little in difference. You will gain some minor increase in speed, but you will also have to suffer through all the 64-bit issues (Lack of drivers, buggy drivers, application compatability, etc).

However, it's once you get into the larger servers, specifically ones that need to address more than 2GB of ram that 64-bit really starts to take off. A 64-bit server with 2-4GB of ram is much like a Porche with a VW Bug engine in it. It's great to show off, but it doesn't go any faster than the VW Bug.

I was a SQL Server 2000 beta one tester back in 2001 there are no problems with drivers because the SQL Server 64bit project is a partnership between Microsoft and Intel. It is faster and let you address more memory but there are known pointer Arithimetic isssues that Microsoft will let you know if you contact them.


You're of course joking! There are loads of problems with drivers. Sure if you have a very sterile server that runs on kit you only bought from IBM or DELL (mind you they're probably the worse cases) then the drivers are fine. But put company Xs RAID controller and company Ys dual output video card and do they support they buffalo. It'll be a while before 64-bit is the norm and companies catch up. But if you're desperate for the performance (and by that I mean memory access) then I'm sure you can build a very nice 64-bit server but for a general purpose server I'd stay well away.


The SQL Server 64bits is not for people building servers from company x components, I have run Oracle 9i 64bits on IBM AIX 64bits in a bank and it runs 24/7. The last meeting Microsoft held for the 64bit users in March 2005 in Houston one of the people in our group needs to migrate 300gig monthly Peoplesoft global employee data to SQL Server 64bits, these are the clients for the 64bits project and if you need very fast caculations.

It was created to use large memory space and scale without the need for special boxes like clusters. BTW I would not recommend AMD for a business database the reason AMD was not part of the early use of the product in 2001 when we used internal build of Win2003 64bits. I know HP sells 64bit boxes developers can use.


I don't think there is any argument that 64-bit is suitable for high-end applications, but I think it's misleading to say that there are no driver issues, afterall XP64 is out...

|||I have not used SQL Server 64bits on XP64 so I cannot comment on that.

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